Sunday, May 17, 2015


Spiritual Healing; Reiki Master,  Integrative Modalities, Ordained Minister, Rev. Caroline Dawley


Rev. Caroline Dawley is a Reiki Master and  Ordained minister of the Church of the Creator. I AM a Spiritual Healer and Lightworker. My goal is to empower the person to heal themselves, and to heal the whole person; mind, body, heart and soul.  My healing modalities are Reiki; treatment and Certification levels I, II, III,  Past Life Regression, Tuning Forks, Chakra Clearing and Aligning,  Soul Retrieval, Peace Circles, Drumming circles on the Full Moon.  Full Moon Native American teachings on the Medicine Wheel, Equinox and Solstice Ceremonies,  Wedding Ceremonies, Water Blessing Ceremony, Spiritual consultation.


You may have heard the term chakra, but do you know what it means? In sanskrit, chakra means wheel – appropriate since chakras are whirling, spinning energy centers.
The seven major chakras form a vertical  line that runs from the top of your head to the base of your spine. They are the main source of your energy, but stress and emotional or physical problems can block them. When this happens you may feel physically ill or mentally out of balance. That’s why healers that practice alternative medicine focus on your chakras.
Following are brief descriptions of the 7 chakras.

First Chakra – Root - Red

The root chakra is found at the base of your spine, and its color is red. Since the root is closest to the earth, it grounds you and gives you the energy to succeed in the physical world. When it becomes blocked, you may experience fear, anxiety, and frustration or physical problems, such as obesity or anorexia nervosa.

Second Chakra – Below Navel (Sacral) - Orange

The sacral chakra is found between your spine’s base and your navel, and its color is orange. Since a woman’s sexual organs are found primarily in the second chakra, the sacral chakra is a center for sexual and procreation needs. Desire, pleasure, creativity, and intuition stem from it. When it’s blocked, you may experience emotional and sexual problems and possibly obsessive-compulsive behavior. You may doubt your self-worth. Physical ailments range from kidney problems to lower pack pain and muscle spasms.

Third Chakra –  Above Navel -  Solar Plexus - Yellow

The solar plexus chakra is found a few inches above the navel, and its color is yellow. As the center of your emotional life, it gives you feelings of personal power, joy, and anger. Since the third chakra powers ambition and achievement needs, you may experience anger, frustration, or feelings of listlessness or victimization when it becomes blocked. Physically you may have digestive problems, diabetes, and food allergies.

Fourth Chakra – Heart - Green

 The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion, harmony, and peace, and its color is green. Feelings of unconditional love start in the heart chakra. If they move to your root chakra, you may feel the urge to marry and settle down.If your heart chakra becomes blocked, you may act without compassion or principle. Physically you may experience immune system, heart, or lung problems.

Fifth Chakra – Throat - Light Blue

The throat chakra is the energy center for communication and creativity expressed through thought, speech, and writing. This is where you sense the possibility for change and emotional healing. When the throat chakra is in balance, you may excel in music, art, or public speaking. When it becomes blocked, you may act dishonestly, have difficulty communicating your needs to others, or experience creative blocks. Physically you may suffer from skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, and back pain.

Sixth Chakra – Brow  Third Eye - Indigo

The third eye (or brow) chakra is found at the center of your forehead slightly above your eyes, and its color is indigo. Since the third eye is the sixth chakra and powers your perception and intuition, some refer to it as the sixth sense. When the third eye becomes blocked, you may act without foresight, have selective memory, or suffer from depression.

Seventh Chakra – Crown - Purple

The crown is found at the top of your head, and its color is violet. It is the Chakra of Divine purpose and your personal place of connection to God. The crown is the center of understanding, acceptance, and bliss. You may experience psychological problems when the crown becomes blocked.
I WILL CLEANSE AND RE-ALIGN YOUR CHAKRAS AND TEACH YOU HOW to maintain .for optimal vibration, to boost your immune system, and overall wellbeing.


Your body and mind are transforming rapidly to facilitate the individual and collective ascension process.  In Native American tradition, this is the emergence of the Rainbow Body of Light and ascension through the 7 Gates of the Rainbow, to align with the Great Central Sun, Westerners refer to the Christ body of Light, or lightbody.
The lightbody ascension process causes changes at the cellular level as your physical vehicle is repatterned to embody higher levels of consciousness.  This is the gift of the Shift.
In Lightbody Activation sessions, Rev. Caroline works closely with your guides and angels as well as Archangel Michael through higher-dimensional energies. All work is done in the Merkabah vehicle as you are attuned to higher frequencies of Divine Love and Light, clearing 7 cycles, 7 chakras, in and through this lifetime and all dimensions.  This Activation will accelerate your transformation on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, releasing you from all Karma and activating your Starseed Merkabah Body of Light.
Please call for and appointment and cost..   727-738-0223 or contact:



 As we journey through time.


Do you have a special relationship with someone who may have been in one or all of your past lives? Learn about Soulmates and significant people in your life and  what this relationship is teaching you... You will be led on a guided meditation as we journey through time
where you will meet your guide and view 2 or 3 past lives focusing on a past life revealing relationships and soulmates. People in your life now may have been in one or all of your past lives..

  • You may find out who your parents were, your children and the significant Love of your life.

 You will be amazed.....

Cost is $60.00 per session
Group and individual


Incuding Reiki and White Light HealingSince the earliest times, the laying on of hands (vibrational healing) has been used to help restore individuals to a state of health and harmony - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.In its purest form, a healing by means of energy medicine, Reiki and energy work is simply the practitioner placing their hands on the recipient with the intention of restoring health and harmony to all areas of their lives.This profound yet gentle form of healing can assist anyone who comes for help. In addition to accelerating healing on physical levels, a healing by means of energy medicine or energy work can be used to strengthen our positive qualities and characteristics, and for healing and overcoming the emotional, psychological, and spiritual patterns of our past.Energy Medicine works to align your body, mind, heart and spirit and bring them into harmony with your highest good.Instead of working with medications and drugs, energy medicine practitioners treat people by using pure energy. Rev. Caroline utilizes specialized forms of energy to positively affect the energetic systems that may be out of balance. This energy acts as a type of wave-guide to redirect or realign the subtle energies that may be affected.
During an energy medicine healing session, Rev.Caroline employs a number of different energy work and vibrational healing modalities such as Reiki, Psychic Surgery, Aura/Chakra Clearing, Sound healing, past life regression and White Light Healing.. to assist you in the healing process.  Reiki Certification I, II, III.
Ask for cost of each.
Reiki II Attunement/ Certification @100.00
Reiki II opens additional energy centers and connects you to a greater volume of Reiki Energy.  During the course, you are given three sacred symbols, each having a specific function.  These symbols can then be used as a focus to enable you to strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send absentee healing.  A large part of the training received in Second Degree is centred on the understanding and use of these symbols. 
In Reiki 2 training you receive two attunements.  At this stage of the training, the energy attunement is greatly amplified and its focus is on the etheric body rather than the physical.  As a result of these attunements, you may develop both a greater sensitivity to energy and a psychic awareness.  
Techniques are taught to enable you to:
  • Focus the energy on the release of mental and emotional blocks
  • Focus your mind to enable to send Reiki energy beyond time and space and thus bring about effective absentee healing


The types of trauma that could cause soul loss in our culture would be any kind of abuse sexual, physical, or emotional. Other causes could be an accident, being in a war, being a victim of a terrorist act, acting against our morals, being in a natural disaster (a fire, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc.), surgery, addictions, divorce, or death of a loved one.   Any event that causes shock could cause soul loss.   It is important to understand that soul loss is a good thing that happens to us. It is how we survive pain. If I was going to be in a head on car collision the last place that I would want to be at the point of impact is in my body. My psyche could not endure that kind of pain. So our psyches have this brilliant self protect mechanism where a part of our essence or soul leaves the body so that we do not feel the full impact of the pain.
. In shamanism we understand that a piece of the soul leaves the body and goes to a territory in what shamans call non ordinary reality where it waits until someone intervenes in the spiritual realms and facilitates its return.
   Although soul loss is a survival mechanism the problem from a shamanic point of view is that the soul part that left usually does not come back on its own. The soul might be lost, or stolen by another person, or doesn’t know the trauma has passed and it is safe to return.

   It has always been the role of the shaman to go into an altered state of consciousness and track down where the soul fled to in the alternate realities and return it to the body of the client.
   There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones would be dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully engaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that just does not heal. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss as we seek external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether through substances, food, relationships, work, or buying material objects.

   Anytime someone says I have never been the same since a certain event and they don’t mean this in a good way soul loss has probably occurred.

ou can really see how much soul loss there is today as we put money over life. Anytime someone says that we have to kill other life forms for material gain that person must be suffering from soul loss. Anytime someone feels that buying one more car or that gathering material objects will bring happiness that person is suffering from the loss of soul. As you can see we are looking at a great deal of planetary soul loss today as you watch how we behave towards each other and the rest of life.   
   Today there has been a resurgence in the interest of the practice of shamanism. We now have many hundreds of wonderful shamanic practitioners reintroducing the practice of soul retrievals into our culture.

   It is interesting to note that as soul loss was so understood in shamanic cultures people who suffered traumas were given a soul retrieval within three days after a trauma occurred.

   Today as we have not been practicing soul retrieval modern day practitioners are going back ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years or even more looking for lost soul parts.

   Also in a shamanic culture the individuals knew what was out of balance in their lives that might have caused an illness or issue to occur.

   In our culture we are unaware of what is out of spiritual harmony that is creating illness. And because often our soul loss happened so young we are unaware of the unconscious patterns we are living out due to our first experience of soul loss. 

   The effects of having a soul retrieval vary person to person. Some people feel that they are more grounded in their body and feel more solid. Some people feel lighter and a joyful way of being returns to them.

Treatment involves a meditation journey. Cost of Soul Retrieval $60.00 per hour

Tuning Forks and Energy Medicine:  As part of my integrative  modalities I  have found Tuning Forks to be significant instruments of  aligning, cleaning, and balancing the chakras for optimal health and vibration. Assisting in the detox process. 

  Fmi or to schedule an appt. contact Rev. Caroline Dawley   by email, 
 For more information call 727-738-0223 for appointment. Rev. Caroline Dawley 

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